Well, we were forced to move from the cabin. There were some issues with leaks and pests. Lets not mention the landlords and property management company not wanting to do anything to keep the cabin habitable. (cough cough leaking septic system and poopie leach fields... cough cough)
Oh well. Sometimes these things happen for the better.
We ended up moving to the little down off the mountain range where our church is located. It is nothing like living in a mountain hamlet where there is nothing but bears and deer. It is a rural town that is mostly older homes with a bit of property. Livestock are common and everyone has horses in their backyards. No joke. Roo and I go out back and say hello to our neighbor's horses everyday.
So we have been in this house for a year now and getting everything set up to make it livable since it has one less bathroom and bedroom compared to the cabin. No basement either. It does have a single car garage but it is stacked high with boxes. Oh the joys of having too much junk! We had to experience a year here before we could figure out what was needed and what we could get rid of.
The weather is nothing like the mountains. It snows here but not hard or often. It also snows after Christmas so no white holidays. That is unless you count New Years Day.
Ever seen snow topped palm trees?!
This in the background are the mountains we just left.
This is what we were use to seeing in the mountains from a light dusting.
And what we see now with the entire snow fall for the year. Not even a few inches...