Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Caveman vs. Farmer

You hear lots of buzz about different diets nowadays.  And when you are trying to be healthy it can be hard to stick to any one of them.  Well, this is my problem.  I thought one of the perks of living away from it all on a mountain was not being able to run to the store for cookies and cake.  Yeah right!  With all the food I have to keep on hand to feed us it is easy to grab that box of cake mix or make a batch of cookie dough...

So its back to eating moderately healthy.  I figure if I start each day on the right foot I can maintain better eating habits and slowly push out the bad habits.  Because I have Hypothyroidism due to Graves Disease my health is important.  I have to stay on top of my blood tests and watch my food.  My doctor told me the best diet for thyroid conditions is a diabetics diet- low to no carbs and no sugar.  I tried.  No luck.  Everything was bland or lacking in taste regardless of the spices/seasonings I used.  So, I am giving the Paleo diet a try.  Or I should say a modified Paleo diet.  I like to think of it as a farm diet- fresh fruit and veggies and healthy lean meats.  All things that can be raised on a homestead.

Now, this is not about weight loss though I could stand to lose some weight.  This is about better overall health.  It is slow going but I can only take it one day at a time.  Geez!  Sounds like a twelve step program but it is the only way to do this...

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