Since my dog is a big part of my little family she needs her own supplies should we need to evacuate. This can pose a problem. Just like us Winter would need food and water as well as any medications and important documents(vaccine records etc). This is added weight in my pack that will carry the bulk for Roo and I. The solution is to get Winter her own packs and train her to carry them with some of her own supplies.
Now the rule of thumb for dog packs is they should carry no more than 1/4 to 1/3 the dog's body weight in supplies. Winter is about 25-27 lbs depending on if she likes her kibble. This puts her load weight at 6-9 lbs total- about 3-4 lbs on each side of the packs. This could be a 4 lb bag of dry kibble on each side or some water bottles. Making sure we get the most out of this weight limitation is very important.
The other option is a travois. Now this has its own set of issues since we live in a very rocky mountain area. This would have to be a project for another time...
- freeze dried dog food
- water bottles/ purification tablets
- collapsible bowl
- dog hiking booties
- bed roll
- tick key
- first aid kit
- toys
- treats
Now for longevity in Winter's packs food had to be packed in mylar with an oxygen absorber or vacuum sealed with my Foodsaver. It will keep for a while and have to be rotated out but not as soon as if I left everything in their manufactures packaging. These methods will work for dry kibble if this is your preferred food.
There are lots of resources online as to what to pack for your dog in their Go Bag but I feel it can be a bit personal. Everyone cares for their dog differently so what you pack may be completely different from what I packed for Winter.
Here are some links to help you if you decide a Go Bg is right for your dog.
Dog Bug Out Bag | Preparing Your Pet in Case of Emergency
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